We’re now in a position to move on to the logic inside the if clause. Here we define a function called abs_dirname, whose implementation contains just 3 lines of code:

  abs_dirname() {
    local path
    path="$(realpath "$1")"
    echo "${path%/*}"

Defining abs_dirname with a more-performant realpath

The above function does the following:

  • It creates a local variable named path.
  • It calls realpath via command substitution, passing it the first argument given to the abs_dirname function.
  • It sets the local variable equal to the return value of the above call to realpath.
  • It echos the contents of the local variable, minus its final / character and anything after.

A reminder that, if we’ve reached the inside of this if-block, we can be confident that the version of realpath that we’re calling is our newly-redefined version (remember enable -f), not the version that ships with our shell.

The local keyword

By default, variables declared inside a function are available outside that function. To prevent that from happening, we use the local keyword to ensure their scope is limited to the body of the function. Note- this keyword is not POSIX-compliant, though many POSIX shells support it.

Let’s do an experiment to see how local works.

Experiment- setting a variable to have local scope

We create a function named foo, which creates and calls a function:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

function foo() {
  bar="Hello world"
  echo "bar inside the 'foo' function: $bar"

echo "bar's initial value: $bar"


echo "bar outside the 'foo' function: $bar"

We print out bar’s initial value to ensure that it doesn’t previously have any value. We then call the function to make sure that bar is initialized inside the foo function. Lastly, we attempt to echo bar to see if it has a value outside of foo. Sure enough, we see that it does:

$ ./foo

bar's initial value:
bar inside the 'foo' function: Hello world
bar outside the 'foo' function: Hello world

Now we prepend the declaration of bar with the local keyword:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

function foo() {
  local bar="Hello world"
  echo "bar inside the 'foo' function: $bar"

echo "bar's initial value: $bar"


echo "bar outside the 'foo' function: $bar"

When we re-run the script, we see:

$ ./foo

bar's initial value:
bar inside the 'foo' function: Hello world
bar outside the 'foo' function:

This time, bar has no value outside the foo function, neither before nor after the foo function is called.

echoing from inside a function

By echo‘ing the value of our path local variable, we make the value of path available for callers of abs_dirname to store in a variable, using command substitution. To replicate this, let’s do an experiment.

Experiment- capturing the result of command substitution

I update my foo script to read as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

foo() {
  echo "Hello world"
  exit 0


echo "$result_of_foo"

When I run this script, I see the following:

$ ./foo

Hello world

We can see that we initialized result_of_foo to equal the result of the command substitution, and from there we were able to print out its value to stdout.

Note that I’m careful not to say “The return value of the foo function is ‘Hello world’.” That would be inaccurate.

Functions in Bash don’t work the same way that they do in Ruby, where the return value is the last expression executed in the function’s body. The closest thing a Bash function has to a return value is the exit code.

However, you can echo anything you want from inside the function, and store that result via command substitution, as we’ve done above.

Recall that the %/* after path inside the parameter expansion just shaves off any trailing / character, as well as anything after it. We can reproduce that in the terminal:

$ path="/foo/bar/baz/"
$ echo ${path%/*}

$ path="/foo/bar/baz"
$ echo ${path%/*}

So in our case, what we’re “returning” from the abs_dirname function is the parent directory of the file whose name we pass to the function.

Nested double-quotes

Let’s briefly return to line 2 of the body of abs_dirname:

path="$(realpath "$1")"

I see two sets of double-quotes, one nested inside the other, wrapping both “$(…)” and “$1”.

This is unexpected to me. I would have thought that:

  • The 2nd " character would close out the 1st ", meaning "$(realpath " would be wrapped in one set of double-quotes, and
  • The 4th " would close out the 3rd one, meaning ")" would be wrapped in a separate set of quotes.
  • Therefore, the $1 in the middle would then be completely unwrapped.

When I Google “nested double-quotes bash”, the first result I get is this StackOverflow post:

Once one is inside $(...), quoting starts all over from scratch.

So double-quotes inside of a command substitution do not close out any existing double-quotes outside the substitution. Simple enough!

Defining abs_dirname with a less-performant realpath

Moving on to the else block:

[ -z "$RBENV_NATIVE_EXT" ] || abort "failed to load \`realpath' builtin"

READLINK=$(type -p greadlink readlink 2>/dev/null | head -n1)
[ -n "$READLINK" ] || abort "cannot find readlink - are you missing GNU coreutils?"

resolve_link() {
  $READLINK "$1"

abs_dirname() {
  local cwd="$PWD"
  local path="$1"

  while [ -n "$path" ]; do
    cd "${path%/*}"
    local name="${path##*/}"
    path="$(resolve_link "$name" || true)"

  cd "$cwd"

This is a lot. We’ll process it in steps, but it looks like we’re doing something similar here (defining a function named abs_dirname), but this time with a bit of setup beforehand.

Aborting if RBENV_NATIVE_EXT is set

First line of this block of code is:

[ -z "$RBENV_NATIVE_EXT" ] || abort "failed to load \`realpath' builtin"

Judging by the || symbol, we know that if the test inside the single square brackets is falsy, then we abort with the quoted error message.

But what is that test? To find out, we run help test in our terminal again, and search for -z using the forward-slash syntax. We get:

-z string True if the length of string is zero.

So if the $RBENV_NATIVE_EXT environment variable is empty, then the test is truthy. If that env var has already been set, then the test is falsy, and we would abort.

What does the RBENV_NATIVE_EXT env var do? I don’t see anything mentioned in the env vars section of the README, so I search the Github repo and find this PR, which includes the following comment:

If RBENV_NATIVE_EXT environment variable is set, rbenv will abort if it didn’t manage to load the builtin. This is primarily useful for testing.

So we would set RBENV_NATIVE_EXT to a non-empty value if we want to make sure that we successfully import the native extension for realpath in the if-block. If we set this env var and the if enable -f ... operation fails, we abort the entire script.

We can replicate this behavior by navigating to ~/.rbenv, checking the libexec/ directory for any file named rbenv-realpath.dylib, renaming it if it’s there, and running RBENV_NATIVE_EXT=1 rbenv local:

$ cd ~/.rbenv

$ ls libexec

rbenv				rbenv-help			rbenv-rehash			rbenv-version-file		rbenv-whence
rbenv---version			rbenv-hooks			rbenv-root			rbenv-version-file-read		rbenv-which
rbenv-commands			rbenv-init			rbenv-sh-rehash			rbenv-version-file-write
rbenv-completions		rbenv-local			rbenv-sh-shell			rbenv-version-name
rbenv-exec			rbenv-prefix			rbenv-shims			rbenv-version-origin
rbenv-global			rbenv-realpath.dylib		rbenv-version			rbenv-versions

$ mv libexec/rbenv-realpath.dylib libexec/rbenv-realpath2.dylib

$ RBENV_NATIVE_EXT=1 rbenv local

rbenv: failed to load `realpath' builtin

We see the failed to load 'realpath' builtin error message from the call to abort.

Before we move on, don’t forget to rename your dylib file back to its original name (libexec/rbenv-realpath.dylib).

Native Extensions

The NATIVE_EXT in the name RBENV_NATIVE_EXT refers to the concept of “native extensions”. A native extension is a library written in one language, which can be used by a program written in another language. In this case, RBENV is written in Bash, but we’re relying on an implementation of realpath which is written in C.

Ruby does a lot of things well, but it’s not the right tool for every job. If a Ruby developer needs to use certain APIs which are very close to the operating system, or are unavoidably slow in Ruby, a native extension might be the right tool to use. For example:

  • the nokogiri gem uses a native extension to parse XML.
  • the mysql2 gem uses a native extension to communicate with the MySQL database.

This article goes into some depth about how to use native extensions in Ruby, as well as what to do when the installation of a Ruby native extension goes wrong.

Storing the name of a command to execute later

Next line of code:

  READLINK=$(type -p greadlink readlink 2>/dev/null | head -n1)

Here we again use command substitution to set a variable called READLINK. What value are we storing? Whatever is returned by type -p greadlink readlink 2>/dev/null | head -n1.

To get some context, I decide to look up the commit which introduced this line of code. I do my git blame / git checkout dance until I find it in Github. The commit message reads:

readlink comes from GNU coreutils. On systems without it, rbenv used to spin out of control when it didn’t have readlink or greadlink available because it would re-exec the frontend script over and over instead of the worker script in libexec.

That’s somewhat helpful. Although I don’t yet know which “worker script” they’re referring to, it’s not crazy to think that RBENV might want to exit with a warning if that a dependency is missing, rather than silently suffer from performance issues.

I get confirmation that greadlink comes from GNU coreutils here.

Back to the main question: what value are we assigning to the READLINK variable?

It looks like we’re taking the results of type -p greadlink readlink 2>/dev/null, and piping them to the head -n1 command. I start with that type -p command. In a Bash terminal, I try help type in the terminal, and I get the following:

$ bash

bash-3.2$ help type

type: type [-afptP] name [name ...]
    For each NAME, indicate how it would be interpreted if used as a
    command name.


    If the -p flag is used, `type' either returns the name of the disk
    file that would be executed, or nothing if `type -t NAME' would not
    return `file'.

To me, that’s pretty clear- it returns the command’s filename, or nothing, depending on whether the file exists.

I decide to do an experiment with the type command and its -p flag.

Experiment- the type -p command

I interpret name to mean the name of a command, alias, reserved word, etc.

I make a foo script, which looks like so and uses ls as the argument to pass to type:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

type -p ls

When I run it, I get:

$ ./foo


When I change ls in the script to chmod and re-run it, I see:

$ ./foo


As a final experiment, I create a directory named ~/foo, containing executable scripts named bar and baz:

$ mkdir ~/foo
$ touch ~/foo/bar
$ chmod +x ~/foo/bar
$ touch ~/foo/baz
$ chmod +x ~/foo/baz

I then try the type -p command on my 2 new scripts as well as the ls command, from within my foo bash script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

type -p ~/foo/bar ~/foo/baz ls

When I run it, I get:

bash-3.2$ ./foo


I see the 3 paths I expected, each one on a separate line. Great, I think this all makes sense.

The head command

Moving on, we already know what 2>/dev/null is from earlier- here we redirect any error output from type -p to /dev/null, aka the black hole of the terminal.

But what do we do with any non-error output? That’s answered by the last bit of code from this line: | head -n1. Running man head gives us:

head – display first lines of a file
...-n count, --lines=count
             Print count lines of each of the specified files.

So it seems like | head -n1 means that we just want the first line of the input that we’re piping in from type -p? Let’s test this hypothesis.

Experiment- the head command

I make a simple script that looks like so:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello"
echo "World"

When I run it by itself, I get:

$ ./foo


Next, I run it a 2nd time, but this time with | head -n1 at the end:

$ ./foo | head -n1


This time I only see 1 of the 2 lines I previously saw. Looks like our hypothesis is correct!

So to sum up this line of code:

READLINK=$(type -p greadlink readlink 2>/dev/null | head -n1)
  • We print out the paths to two commands, one named greadlink and one named readlink, in that order.
  • We take the first value we find, preferring greadlink since it comes first in the argument order to type.
  • Finally, we store that value in a variable named READLINK (likely capitalized to avoid a name collision with the readlink command).

readlink and greadlink

Since greadlink is preferred over readlink in the order of precedence, I type man greadlink, but I actually end up getting the man page for readlink:

READLINK(1)                                                               User Commands                                                              READLINK(1)

       readlink - print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names

       readlink [OPTION]... FILE...

       Note realpath(1) is the preferred command to use for canonicalization functionality.

       Print value of a symbolic link or canonical file name

Looks like these two programs are used to resolve a symlink to its canonical link.

I search the Github repo for the commit which introduced the greadlink readlink combination, and after some digging, I find this PR which mentions that Solaris (a UNIX operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems) doesn’t support readlink, so greadlink is called first and readlink is used as the fallback.


The docs for readlink mentioned the concept of a “symbolic link”. As this link says, a symbolic link (or symlink) is “…a file that points to another file”. If you type open plus the name of the symlink in your terminal, you’re actually opening the canonical file, not the symlink file.

Experiment- creating symlinks

I create and chmod +x a file named ./foo, containing the string “Hello world”:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello world"

I then create a directory called bar_dir/, and inside of that directory, a symlink to my foo file:

$ mkdir bar_dir
$ cd bar_dir
$ ln -s ../foo bar

Then I run the symlink file as a test:

$ ./bar

Hello world

I then edit foo to print out a different string:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello globe"

I then re-run my symlink:

$ ./bar

Hello globe

I then move the symlink file up one directory, and try to re-run it:

$ mv bar ..

$ ../bar
zsh: no such file or directory: ../bar

But when I move the symlink file back to bar_dir/, it works again:

$ mv ../bar .

$ ./bar

Hello globe

When I run ls -la in bar_dir/, I see the following:

bash-3.2$ ls -la

total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 myusername  staff   96 Apr 22 20:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  22 myusername  staff  704 Apr 22 20:03 ..
lrwxr-xr-x   1 myusername  staff    6 Apr 22 20:00 bar -> ../foo

We see bar -> ../foo. The -> indicates that bar is a symlink to ../foo.

If we move bar back up one directory, we see the following:

$ mv bar ..

$ ls -la ..

total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 myusername  staff   96 Apr 22 20:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  22 myusername  staff  704 Apr 22 20:03 ..
lrwxr-xr-x   1 myusername  staff      6 Apr 22 20:00 bar -> ../foo
-rwxr-xr-x   1 myusername  staff     40 Apr 22 20:01 foo

Here we can see the problem- the symlink is still pointing to ../foo, even though we’re now in the same directory in which foo is located. I surmise that the error no such file or directory: ../bar happens because ../bar is pointing to a file that doesn’t exist, relative to its current location.

Experiment- resolving symlinks

I delete the previous symlink that I created, and create a new symlink to my foo script in the same directory in which foo exists:

$ ln -s foo foobarbaz

I then create a chain of additional symlinks, with each new symlink pointing to the last one I created:

$ ln -s foobarbaz quox
$ ln -s quox buzzzzz

I then run readlink on each of the symlinks, starting with buzzzzz (the start of the chain of symlinks):

$ readlink buzzzzz


$ readlink quox


$ readlink foobarbaz


$ readlink foo


I notice that, without any flags, readlink just resolves the symlink 1 level deep.

I also notice that, when I get to the regular, non-symlink file, readlink has no output. This will become important later.

Hard links vs. soft links

The -s in ln -s means symbolic. Symbolic links are also called “soft links”. In contrast, a “hard link” is created by using the ln command without the -s flag. A hard link is a copy of the original file, but it’s also a pointer to that file. So if you change the original file, your hard link file will change as well.

Experiment- difference between hard and soft links

I create a hard link to my foo file:

$ ln foo hardfoo

$ ls -la

-rwxr-xr-x   2 myusername  staff     47 Apr 22 20:16 foo
lrwxr-xr-x   1 myusername  staff      3 Apr 22 20:09 foobarbaz -> foo
-rwxr-xr-x   2 myusername  staff     47 Apr 22 20:16 hardfoo

Notice the relative filesizes:

  • The original foo file has 47 bytes.
  • The hard link file hardfoo also has 47 bytes.
  • The symlink foobarbaz file only has 3 bytes (one for each character in the filename foo).

A call to cat hardfoo results in the following:

$ cat hardfoo
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello globe"

This is the same as the current contents of foo.

I then update foo:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello globetrotter"

When I run cat hardfoo again, I see its contents have also updated:

$ cat hardfoo
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello globetrotter"

Here is another link on more operations you can do with symlinks, including:

  • creating symlinks for folders
  • removing a symlink with the -l flag
  • using the unlink command to remove a symlink
  • using rm to remove a symlink
  • finding and deleting broken symlinks

Ensuring we have a value for READLINK

The next line of code is:

[ -n "$READLINK" ] || abort "cannot find readlink - are you missing GNU coreutils?"

We already learned what [ -n ...] does from reading about $RBENV_DEBUG. Here, it returns true if the length of (in this case) $READLINK is non-zero. So if the length of $READLINK is zero, then we abort with the specified error message.

Using READLINK to define a function

Let’s look at the next 3 lines of code together, since it’s just a simple function declaration:

  resolve_link() {
    $READLINK "$1"

When we call this resolve_link function, we invoke either the greadlink command or (if that doesn’t exist) the readlink command. When we do this, we pass any arguments which were passed to resolve_link.

Defining our non-native-extension abs_dirname function

Next block of code:

abs_dirname() {
  local cwd="$PWD"
  local path="$1"

  while [ -n "$path" ]; do
    cd "${path%/*}"
    local name="${path##*/}"
    path="$(resolve_link "$name" || true)"

  cd "$cwd"

Here we declare the version of abs_dirname from the else block. We declared a similar function in our if block above, but that function made a single call to the realpath function. We use a while loop to repeatedly call greadlink or readlink (depending on which one was found first on our system).

The first two lines of code in our function body are:

local cwd="$PWD"
local path="$1"

We declare two local variables:

  • A var named path, which contains the first argument we pass to abs_dirname.
  • A var named cwd. Since the content of cwd is the value of $PWD, we can assume that cwd stands for “current working directory”.

"$PWD" resolves to the directory from which we run rbenv, not the directory containing the libexec/rbenv file. We can prove this by running another experiment.

Experiment- which directory does "$PWD" resolve to?

I update my foo script to be the following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "$PWD"

I then run it from its home directory:

$ ./foo


Then, I cd up one directory and re-run the same script:

$ cd ..

$ ./OpenSource/foo


After we cd .., we no longer see /OpenSource at the end of the echo‘ed output. This means that the value of "$PWD" depends on where the env var is printed from, not the location of the script that invokes it.

Resolving the canonical filepath

while [ -n "$path" ]; do

In other words, while the length of our path local variable is greater than zero, we execute the code contained in the loop. That code is:

cd "${path%/*}"
local name="${path##*/}"
path="$(resolve_link "$name" || true)"

From DevHints.io’s guide to Bash, we see that %/* in parameter expansion is often used to get the directory in which a file lives. Example:

echo "${str%/*}"            # /path/to

So we take the value of path (which is initialized to the first argument given to abs_dirname, presumably a path/to/file), and we cd into its directory (i.e. path/to/).

In the same DevHints.io link, we see that ##*/ is often used on a filepath to get just the filename itself, shaving off the directory in which it lives:

echo "${str##*/}"           # foo.cpp

So on the 2nd line of the while loop, we create a local variable called name.

Lastly, we call resolve_link "$name" to see whether the filename stored in "$name" is a symlink or not. Now we see our resolve_link function in-use.

If the file represented by "$name" is a symlink, then we:

  • store the name of the file it points to in path, and
  • perform another iteration of the while loop (since [ -n "$path" ] is still true as long as path is non-empty).

If it’s not a symlink, then:

  • resolve_link "$name" will return an empty string,
  • the while condition will become falsy, and
  • we will exit out of the loop.

At this point, we can conclude that the abs_dirname function declared in the else block is functionally equivalent to the same function declared in the if block, in which case the goal is to resolve any symlinks to their canonical, non-symlink file.

Why the need for || true?

I’m confused why the || true is necessary. If I pass a non-symlink file to resolve_link, the result will have a length of 0, as we saw in our symlink experiment above. If that is the case, I’m not sure why we need to replace that result with a different result whose length is also 0. Why can’t we just do the following?

while [ -n "$path" ]; do
  cd "${path%/*}"
  local name="${path##*/}"
  path="$(resolve_link "$name")"

I Google bash "|| true", and I see a StackOverflow post with this answer:

The reason for this pattern is that maintainer scripts in Debian packages tend to start with set -e, which causes the shell to exit as soon as any command (strictly speaking, pipeline, list or compound command) exits with a non-zero status. This ensures that errors don’t accumulate: as soon as something goes wrong, the script aborts.

In cases where a command in the script is allowed to fail, adding || true ensures that the resulting compound command always exits with status zero, so the script doesn’t abort. For example, removing a directory shouldn’t be a fatal error (preventing a package from being removed); so we’d use

rmdir ... || true

since rmdir doesn’t have an option to tell it to ignore errors.

So even though $path resolves to an empty value, the resolve_link function could still end up triggering an error, which would cause the script to exit due to our use of set -e at the beginning of the script. We don’t want that, so we gracefully handle any potential error with || true.

Wrapping up the abs_dirname function

So we were right- the purpose of the while link is to allow us to keep cding until we’ve arrived at the real, non-symlink home of the command represented by the $name variable (in our case, rbenv). When that happens, we exit the while loop and run the last two lines in the function:

cd "$cwd"

pwd stands for print working directory, which means we echo the directory we’re currently in, after having cd‘ed into the canonical file’s parent directory. After we echo that, we cd back into the directory we were in before we started the while loop.

The purpose here is to echo the current directory, so that this can be captured by command substitution, without moving the user to a new directory as a side effect of calling the function.

“Return values” from Bash functions

Remember, the return value of a Bash function is not the result of the last line of code in the function. Technically, it’s the exit code of the function. The output of a function (i.e. what you can capture via command substitution) is whatever is echo‘ed while inside the function.

When I Google “bash return value of a function”, the first result I see is a blog post in LinuxJournal.com. Among other things, it tells me:

  • “Bash functions, unlike functions in most programming languages do not allow you to return a value to the caller. When a bash function ends its return value is its status: zero for success, non-zero for failure.”
  • “To return values, you can:
    • set a global variable with the result, or
    • use command substitution, or
    • pass in the name of a variable to use as the result variable.”

Let’s try each of these out:

Experiment- setting a global variable inside a function

I create a script with the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

foo() {
  myVarName="Hey there"

echo "value before: $myVarName"     # should be empty


echo "value after: $myVarName"      # should be non-empty

When I run it, I get:

$ ./foo

value before:
value after: Hey there

So it looks like, when we don’t make a variable local inside a function, its scope does indeed become global, and we can access it outside the function. We saw this same behavior earlier, when we experimented with the local keyword.

Experiment- using command substitution to return a value from a function

I update my script to read as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

foo() {
  echo "Hey there"

echo "value before function call: $myVarName" # should be empty


echo "value after function call: $myVarName" # should be non-empty

When I run it, I get:

$ ./foo

value before function call:
value after function call: Hey there

So by using command substitution (aka the "$( ... )" syntax), we can capture anything echo‘ed from within the function.

Experiment- passing in the name of a variable to use

I update the script one last time to read as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

foo() {
  local varName="$1"
  local result="Hey there"
  eval $varName="'$result'"

echo "value before function call: $myVarName" # should be empty

foo myVarName

echo "value after function call: $myVarName" # should be non-empty

When I run it, I get:

$ ./foo

value before function call:
value after function call: Hey there

Credit for these experiments goes to the LinuxJournal link from earlier.

That was a lot of analysis. In the end, the giant if/else block we looked at is nothing more than a way to define the abs_dirname function. There were two ways we could have defined it:

  • One more performant way, using readlink or greadlink (depending on whether the user had already installed GNU coreutils on their machine), or:
  • One less performant way, where we iteratively cd into the directory of the given filename and resolved its filepath to account for a possible symlink.

Let’s move on.